What would you do about Active Surveillance when you're 75 and above without any sign of cancer?
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Are you or have you been on Active Surveillance for Gleason 6 or favorable Gleason 3+4 prostate cancer? *
If you were a patient 75 or above  on active surveillance for more than a decade and without signs of cancer, what would you do about Active Surveillance?
What is your age?
Are you currently on Active Surveillance?
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Have you quit AS?
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If you stopped AS, please say why
If you continued on AS past 75, please explain. What constitutes your AS program--PSA, MRI, biopsy, prostate exam?
What type of biopsy did you have last?
What will your choice be for your next biopsy?
If you plan a transperineal biopsy, which approach will you take?
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What is your ethnicity?
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Where do you stand on. renaming Gleason 6 as a non-cancer?
Has your diagnosis with Gleason 6 caused emotional distress (anxiety, depression)?
Did your urologist screen you initially for emotional distress?
Where do you live?
Are you treated in Veterans Administration system?
Country of Origin
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