2020-2021 Statistics
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Statistics for Libraries
This form is designed to show a global snapshot, not focusing on any one school,  but of the variety of things you do to support students, teachers, and parents.  Many of these questions are for numbers, not a description.  This is NOT designed for you to compete or feel you aren't doing enough.  On any given day ALL of us feel we aren't doing enough.  But our global statistics show we are doing a great job. This is one way I can allow your work to shine for all to see.  Last year we checked out 12,334 books in the ONE day snapshot we took.  That means 39% of our students checked out a book that day.
1.  Leadership Activities.  List (NO DETAIL) no more than 3 ways you have been a visible and active leader during this reporting period. (Chrombook distribution, hotspot distribution, technology help, password changes,  etc.  While I know at the beginning of the year you spend a lot of time on tech help, throughtout the year try to include a variety of things so I can show a graph of all the different ways you Lead from the Library.) *
2.  Number of books circulated to promote lifelong love of reading and learning (print).  Run Activity Summary for Location report for 2 and 3 (checkout and renewal and in house use if you use it). Library Services will run digital. *
3.  Number of holds arrived. (Activity Summary for Location).
4.  Enter the number of instructional lessons for f2f learners this reporting period (how to find and use information in print or digital, inquiry lessons, reading). *
5.  Enter the number of instructional lessons you have prepared for your Connected Learners this reporting period.  (how to find and use information either print or digital, inquiry lessons, reading skills, etc.  If you did the same lesson for both f2f and Connected Learners, count it in each section.)
6.  Number of special events held this reporting period. (Book Fairs, Family Literacy Nights, tutorials, etc.  (If this is 0 because of COVID, that's ok.  It's included here to capture data in case you restart these activities before the end of the year.) *
7.  Estimate the number of resources curated for teachers (web sites, database articles, etc.). Use your best guess.   *
8.  Number of collaborations with teachers to identify resources, plan instruction, and integrate technology. (If this is 0 because teacher's can't think that far ahead yet, that's ok.) *
9.  Estimate the number of technology/professional development help sessions provided for teachers (1:1, small group, faculty meeting, etc.) Use your best guess. *
10.  Check all that apply.  How have you helped teachers/students/parents with technology assistance this collection period? *
11.  Parent technology assistance.  Estimate the number of help sessions provided to parents. *
12.  This space is where you can list ONE other activity you are most proud of accomplishing this reporting period.  
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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