Through Our Lens Film Workshop for Indigenous Youth
MĀORILAND FILM FESTIVAL is bringing a group of young Māori filmmakers to run a FREE filmmaking workshop for Indigenous youth! Over two days you will work with other young people to make short films that will screen at the 2023 Māoriland Film Festival in Aotearoa (New Zealand). Learn new skills & make new connections. If you love movies and storytelling, sign up now! Workshop to be followed by a community screening. Invite your friends and family to celebrate your achievement!
No experience necessary. Limited capacity.

Deadline to apply: Sunday, October 23

Dates: October 25-26, 2022

Time: 10:00 am- 4:00 pm (lunch provided)

Location: Kahnawake Office Complex, 3rd Floor

Age: Indigenous youth 16-24 years old

If you have any questions, contact Courtney Montour or Brooke Rice at:

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Age *
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What aspects of filmmaking are you interested in?
Lunch will be provided, list any dietary restrictions *
Do you require daily transportation to the workshop? *
If yes, please provide address *
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