Bus Safety Test
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The best definition of safety is:
1 punkts
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You reduce the risk of hitting a pedestrian during a left turn if you:
1 punkts
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Accidents are unplanned events that disrupt activity, affect people and:
1 punkts
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Without exception, __________ are at the root cause of accidents.
1 punkts
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The 300:29:1 theory points out that we must focus on:
1 punkts
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An example of an unsafe behavior pattern is:
1 punkts
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Once you've identified the most common accidents and their related behaviors you should:
1 punkts
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A good way to be free from the risk of having a safety problem with your school bus is to:
1 punkts
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If you ALWAYS stay four seconds behind the vehicle in front of you, you will:
1 punkts
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The main point of the Rock and Roll technique is to:
1 punkts
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