Bull Bash Tire Purchase
Please fill out this form to reserve and pay for your tire purchase from 316 Motorsports or INEX. Tire purchase is for legend cars only, bandoleros are not required to purchase tires. This form needs to be filled out for each driver, drivers may only run the same 4 tires the entire event as they will be coded to the driver and impounded after each event. All tires MUST still have their stickers on them.
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Email *
Pickup Name *
Driver Name *
Car Number *
INEX License *
Phone Number *
Where do you want to pick up tires from? *
316 Motorsports is closed on Sundays. INEX 
Please select to get an invoice for your tire purchase. *
Please note that the cost of $725 breaks down to $165 per tire, 7.25% sales tax and the card processing fee's of 3% - Here is the breakdown. If you choose to pay in cash, you must make arrangements with Torrie Hall (vknewman0804@gmail.com/(716)338-3756) or Andrew Tyree (Andrew@wcspeedway.com/(919)634-0162) and cash MUST be in hand prior to you being authorized to pick up your tires.

$165 x 4 = $660
$660 x 7.25% = $47.85
$660 + $47.85 = $707.85
$707.85  x 3.63% = $25.68
$707.85 + $25.68 = $733.53
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