Affiliate Application Grounded Visions 2020
Technical skills for the Visual Artist
Sept. 30 - Oct. 23, 2020
with Stefan Lucas

Help us share the news about this workshop and get others to sign up!
In exchange for each sale that comes from someone registering through your affiliate link you will receive:
- full course $40 credit
- half course $20 credit
- single day $10 credit

To participate in the course you will need to register and pay for the class, then we will reimburse you after ticket sales have stopped.
We will provide you with suggestions for promoting and links to content to share ASAP.

Look for an email shortly from and save it in your contacts!
Thank you :)

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Do you plan to participate in the whole course or just partial? *
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What is your Facebook (if you have one)? *
How do you plan to share your link primarily? *
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