Torah La'am Open House Tours on 4/14/2024

Torah La'am is our K-12 supplementary Jewish educational program. Our students and families come from all over Westchester and beyond, creating a vibrant, progressive, and welcoming community of learners and doers. We are committed to offering our students multiple perspectives and entry points for exploring and deepening their own unique and growing Jewish identities. 

Feel free to reach out to Lisa Jacobs, Director of Family Education and Engagement, with any questions at, or you can visit our website at  Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon! 
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メールアドレス *
Name of person filling out this form  *
Phone Number: *
Name of Parent/s *
Name of child, age, and current grade: *
Would your child like to join a classroom as part of the tour? *
Please choose your preferred time slot: *
How did you hear about this program? *
Thank you for your interest in Torah La'am!  We look forward to seeing you on April 14!
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