Purchase Drag Battle
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Thank you for your interest in Drag Battle! You can purchase a copy by filling out this form and sending the payment digitally (via Venmo, Paypal, or Zelle) so I can print it on demand and mail the copy directly to you. I do not collect any additional costs for purchasing a copy. Your money goes directly to BoardGamesMaker.com. If you buy in bulk, the cost per unit is lower (email matthewtballew@gmail.com for more info). There are three sets available for purchase:
  • Super Economic ($41.09): Card game (48 Queen cards, 76 Battle cards) + a purple velvet bag
  • Economic Tuck Box ($52.44): Card game (48 Queen cards, 76 Battle cards) + a small card box
  • Classic Box ($60.24): Card game (74 Queen cards, 76 Battle cards) + a medium card box*
*The Classic Box is the only set that includes the paper Directions Booklet and additional Queen cards for your entertainment. The extra Queen cards do not impact gameplay, but the Classic Box does allow room for more cards if they become available. Digital e-directions are only available for the two economic sets. All prices include shipping costs (US addresses only). You can also purchase dice for the Super Economic Set and Classic Box Set for a small fee.
Which do you want to purchase? *
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If you chose the Super Economic or Classic Box sets, there is room for dice in your set. If you chose the Economic Tuck Box or do not want dice, please skip this question.
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Do you want the Family Edition (ages 10+) or the NSFW Edition (contains profanity and language that people might not find appropriate; ages 18+)? The only difference between these editions are some words and Queen name cards. *
What is your first name? *
What is your email address (to receive information on how to transfer payment)? *
How do you want to transfer payment? *
Please enter the shipping address details below.
First name: *
Last name: *
State: *
City: *
Address Line 1: *
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Zip Code: *
Email (For Shipping/Tracking Info): *
Once you submit this form, I will email you with information about how to transfer payment using the method you chose above. Once I receive the payment, I will purchase and ship the game directly to you. Please allow up 2-3 weeks for printing and shipping. Thank you for supporting Drag Battle!
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