Antigonish County Electoral Boundary Review 2024

The Municipality of the County of Antigonish engaged Stantec Consulting Limited to study the size of its municipal council and review the boundaries from which its Councillors will be elected. Your County Council currently has ten members, consisting of eight Councillors, a Deputy Warden, and a Warden chosen by Council members from among themselves after each election to act as their Chair.

The study is being conducted in two phases, the first of which is now complete. In the first phase, Stantec assessed the current size of Antigonish County Council. From September 18 to October 11 this year, Stantec conducted an online survey to determine the number of Council members Antigonish County residents would prefer. Responses concerning the preferred number were as follows:

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Please indicate the number of Council members you would prefer to have on Antigonish County Council (the minimum Council size is three members).

Given these results, which strongly favour continuing with ten Council members, as well as input from our Phase 1 public meetings held on September 25, 2023, we have developed two scenarios for ten electoral districts that are presented below. Key considerations in developing the boundaries were to ensure that the number of electors or eligible votes in each district is within ±10% of the average number of electors in all the districts and that communities with common interests are grouped together.

The study was interrupted in February and March when it appeared that the County was going to consolidate with the Town of Antigonish. Consolidation would have required a similar study covering the combined areas of the county and town; however, the Province has chosen not to approve the legislation required to consolidate the municipalities and the need for a study focused on the County has been reinstated. This survey, which was closed on January 30 has been re-opened as part of the resumption of the process.

The following questions concern your preference between the two boundary scenarios that we have developed. We are also interested in your thoughts on the specific boundaries proposed. If you think a particular community or area should be shifted from the district it is proposed to be part of to another district, please share your thoughts with us. We want to develop boundaries that reflect your sense of community.

All responses are anonymous.

1. Which of the last three Antigonish County elections have you voted in?
2. In which District do you currently reside? (See context map for reference)
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3. Do you have any concerns with the boundaries presented in Option A? (click here to see enlarged map)

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4. Do you have any concerns with the boundaries presented in Option B (click here to see enlarged map)

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5. Please indicate which of the proposed boundary arrangements you prefer.
6. Please let us know why you chose the response you made to the previous question.
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