Thank you for signing up for the Living Facilitation Retreat at La Foret! We're delighted to be hosting you for a fun and powerful weekend. In order for us to provide the best experience we can for you, please fill out this form as soon as possible after registering - and let us know if you have any questions or requests that aren't covered in this form!
Log in bij Google om je voortgang op te slaan. Meer informatie
E-mailadres *
What is your name and preferred gender pronouns? *
How would you describe your current level of experience (if any) as a facilitator, whether formal or informal?
Have you ever facilitated a group before? In what context (eg. meetings, workshops, classes, charettes)? What do you find enjoyable, and where do you struggle as a facilitator?
What are your goals for this retreat?
Are there certain kinds of experiences you're interested in facilitating? Specific topics you'd like to lead groups in? An existing practice you'd like to improve your skills in?
In which of these contexts are you interested in facilitating?
Which of the following skills are you interested in learning about and practicing during the Living Facilitation course? *
1 = not interested at all, 5 = extremely interested
Practice facilitating in groups
Interactive activities
Developing curricula and lesson plans
Facilitating for equity, social justice and liberation
Conflict transformation
Using ritual as a facilitation tool
Facilitating from your ancestral lineage
Online facilitation
Decision-making strategies
Presentation and public speaking skills
Do you have accessibility needs related to mobility, hearing, chemical sensitivity, etc.? Let us know here and we'll work with you to make sure they're met!
Fresh, healthy meals will be provided on all of the retreat days. What are your dietary needs?
Check all that apply - or if none do, feel free to leave this one blank!
Accommodations at La Foret are included in your registration. What is your accommodation preference? *
Any other questions or information you'd like to share with us?
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Dit formulier is gemaakt in Regenerate Change. Misbruik rapporteren