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Father and mother of bioinformatics is
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NCBI stands for
Clear selection an integrated field, which combines computational, mathematical and statical methods to manage and analyze the biological data or information.
Clear selection a text-based search and retrieval system at NCBI
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Which of the following is an example of Homology and similarity tool?
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The deposition of cDNA into the inert structure like glass or silica  is called.........................
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Multiple sequence alignment is
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Pairwise sequence alignment tool is
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A metabolite databases
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What is the primary goal of bioinformatics?

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What type of data is stored in the Protein Data Bank (PDB)?

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What is the purpose of multiple sequence alignment?

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What is BLAST used for?

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What is genomics?

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hich of the following techniques is used for genome sequencing?

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Which technology is commonly used in proteomics research?

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How does genomics contribute to personalized medicine?

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Eco cyc is an organism-specific Pathway/Genome Database that describes the metabolic and signal-transduction pathways of
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Which of the following is not a secondary databases
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Which of the following is not a nucleotide data base
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The technique given in the diagram is
Captionless Image
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The complete collection of small molecule metabolites in a cell, organ, tissue or organism is
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Sequence alignment program is
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A secondary data base is
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CADD stands for
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Genbank is maintained by
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STAG is a text based search engine of
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................................... is a Learning Platform or course management system (CMS) - a free Open Source software package designed to help educators create effective online
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The identification of drugs through the genomic study is called__________.
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