Market Research
Hi, we're Helena and Lily. We're launching a product soon and would like your opinion! This shouldn't take more than 5 minutes. Thanks for your participation in advance.
Please remember to hit submit, even if you don't answer every question. 
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Age *
Gender Identity (select all that apply) *
Do you identify as neurodiverse? *
Time blindness is the innate inability to recognise when time has passed or to estimate how long a task or activity will take. 
Do you think you experience time blindness?
How do you currently stay organised? *
If there was a single page complete personal organisation solution, would you be interested? *
What type of product would you prefer? *
Which would you prefer: *
What would you find useful to be included? *
Now select your top 3 *
Which size would you prefer?
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Would you use stickers if included?
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How do you feel about a physical product coupled with a website? *
Would you like the website to have similar tools to a physical product? 
Would you use prompts and tips if provided alongside a physical product? 
Would you be interested in joining an online community to help with accountability and tips? 
Would you be interested in following a blog/ vlog series to help with organisation, burnout and overwhelm? 
Would you prefer patterns or simple colour blocks?
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Which do you prefer?
If you'd like to sign up to the waitlist for our product, please enter your email address below
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