Covid-19 Weekly Screening
Please answer the following questions prior to your dancer's arrival Monday each week
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Your Name   *
Dancer(s) Name   *
Have taken adequate time at home to conduct this health screening of your dancer(s) prior to arrival? *
Today or in the past 24 hours has your dancer or anyone in your household had any of the following symptoms? If you answer yes to any of the following questions, unfortunately you dancer cannot attend Workshop. *
Have you, your child, or anyone in your household had close contact with someone known to be infected with Covid-19? *
Has anyone in your household been asked  to self-quarantine by a doctor or local health official in the past 14 days? *
All of this information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge? *
You understand and acknowledge that if you dancer(s) becomes symptomatic, you will be required to pick them up from workshop asap. We ask that you keep us informed of their health in the event that they are sent home or their symptoms change. Dancers must be cleared by a doctor in order to return to our program, as well as be symptom free and fever free without medication or 48 hours. If they show any symptoms, we will keep them isolated from the group and comfortable until your arrival. *
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