Forever Wild Children's Garden 2023-2024 
Please fill out a form for each child in your family.
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Child's Name *
Child's Date of Birth *
WhatsApp Number *
Email Address:  We keep families updated on upcoming programs and special promotions or events we have. *
How would you best describe your child's educational experience so far? *
How would you best describe the way your child interacts with other children? *
Your Family's Vision  How do you feel that Forever Wild Children's Garden is right for your family's vision for education? *
Session Dates
Which dates would you like to register your child for?
Which option are you registering for? *
The cost of your session covers the drop off program only. We have many offerings to enrich your experience. Please check as many as you would like to add on.  *
How would you like to send your payment? All payment is due at time of registration to secure spot. No spots are saved until all payment is received. *
What languages does your child speak and understand? *
Diet: Is there anything special our staff should know about your child's diet? *
Developmental Milestones: Our program and the environment is set up to support children that demonstrate the following developmental milestones:
 -has a disposition of agreeability towards adults and other children 
-has age appropriate boundaries of personal space and items  
-demonstrates an age appropriate willingness to participate in group activities and discussions 
 -can and will remain safely with a group 
 -can attend to a task (sometimes not of their choosing) for a sustained amount of time
-is able to be away from parent/parents for the time at our center
 -can use the toilet and feed themselves independently
Expectations: The dynamics of this small group are VERY important to us to ensure our children are thriving. It is understood that while growing developmentally, children will have small quarrels and have their free will to test with staff at times. Situations that arise are resolved in our gardens using a restorative justice circle and it is expected that children will participate in these to solve conflicts and learn about feelings and how to handle them.              Due to the nature of our program, your child’s membership to Forever Wild Children’s Garden can be cancelled at any time if your child fails to adhere to the behavioral expectations in place in our gardens.  If your child's membership is cancelled due to inappropriate behaviors, defiance, and/ or violence all fees are nonrefundable. We can help you to make recommendations for alternative programming in your area. *
Photo Release: Our program is advertised in various webpages in order to promote the education of children. It is important for parents to see the activities we do as many incoming families are out of the country and unable to visit our program before they register. At times, we photograph the activities to send photos to you as well as post them as web content. As the parent or legal guardian of the child mentioned in this form, we ask that you grant Forever Wild Children’s Garden your permission to take photographs and use them for including but not limited to: projects, publicity, advertising, and web content. *
Waiver Every family at Forever Wild has their own level of travelers' insurance, health insurance or no insurance based on their own level of comfort and desire. The children in the gardens will be running, jumping, climbing and playing together in trees, on treehouses, inside clubhouses etc. By enrolling in our program, you understand that Forever Wild, Artz Leadline LLC, the property owners as well as all of the staff are not responsible for any medical bills, medical care or has any financial responsibility to any medical care needed during their time enrolled in our program. By enrolling in our program, you waive your ability to hold any of the above liable and waive your right to sue any staff member or property owner for any incident occurring during your child's time in our garden.  Staff will administer basic first aid for cuts or scrapes by using bandaids, washing the area or putting an ice pack on any area swollen. However any need for further medical care will need to be the responsibility of the child's parent and parents will be asked to pick up their child if a level of care is needed. *
Please book your calendly call to answer all of your questions. Each call with be just for you and will be about 15 minutes. Your application will only be considered if you have scheduled your call. 
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