Trial - Common Soil vegetable membership
We’re really pleased that you want to try out our membership and veg!

We offer a 4 week trial of our veg boxes, as we understand it's a leap to sign up for a full year. This gives you a chance to see if it works for you. After the four weeks you can decide whether to join us for the rest of the year.

When you have vegetable membership of Common Soil you’re part of the farm community (even just for the month!), but with the trial arrangement you're not yet taking up full membership of the Society.

Be sure to read about the community supported agriculture model, information about our veg boxes and the FAQs on our website: 

By prior arrangement, you’re welcome to visit the farm and get to know more about how the veg is grown. If you'd like to get more involved, we also hold regular events, volunteer sessions and work days.

Please fill in the form below and we'll be in touch via email to confirm the details of how to set up payment and collect your four veg boxes.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full name
Email address *
Telephone number
Payment *

Pricing for the trial is different to the monthly price for those who sign up for the full year (on the website: This is because for the full year we provide weekly veg boxes for six months then fortnightly boxes for six months, but split the monthly costs equally throughout the year.

For the trial you will pay directly for the veg boxes received. Veg boxes cost £15 per box.

In the name of food justice – ensuring our food is accessible to a wide range of people, we offer the veg boxes on a solidarity pricing scale, so you can select to pay what you can realistically afford.

£53 (£12.50 per box + £3 membership) for those on a low income who are struggling to make ends meet and want to request a subsidy to make the veg affordable to them.

£63 (£15 per box + £3 membership) for those on a middle/average income.

£73 (£17.50 per box + £3 membership) for those on a higher income or with savings that allow them to comfortably afford the veg.

You can also choose anywhere between these points. So, you could choose £66, for example.  If you’d like more guidance on what is considered low, middle or high income then there’s a helpful table on our FAQs page.

The additional income from the higher end of the scale goes towards subsidising the cost for those who find it harder to afford. We rely on members to tell us what is truly affordable for them at this time. The running of the farm is still subsidised by grants/donations and is a non-profit operation.

Please enter in the box below the amount that you will pay for your four week trial (includes four veg boxes and one month of farm membership).

If you want to make payment straight away, the bank details are:
Common Soil
Sort code: 08-92-99
Account number: 67243583 
The co-operative bank

How much will you pay for your trial, between £53 and £73?
How did you hear about us?
Do you have any questions about your trial or vegetable membership in general?
Would you like to get updates on the farm news and events by email?
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Sharing contact details amongst the membership
We encourage members to collect vegetables for each other. To make this easier to organise, and to help build a community around the farm, we encourage members to share their contact details with each other. If you’re happy for us to share your details, please let us know below. We can then give members access to a list showing everyone’s name, email address, phone number and which area they come from (e.g. Summer Street, Uplands, Cashes Green etc. We will not share exact addresses).
Are you happy for your contact details to be shared with other members, if you choose to go ahead after the trial (or if you request it during the trial)?
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What you're agreeing to by signing up to this trial:
* I understand that my details will be held in line with the GDPR (general data protection regulations). I will be contacted directly about things to do with my vegetable boxes, using the contact details provided here.
* I commit to making one payment in advance and will receive four veg boxes in return.
* I understand that although the growers at Common Soil will do their best to supply consistent quantities and varieties of vegetables, the quantity and variety is weather dependent and there is no guarantee of specific produce or quantity.
*I will collect my veg from the field, bringing a box or bag to carry the veg home in.

I confirm I want to sign up for a four week trial of Common Soil vegetable membership. Please write your name below.
If you have any questions please contact us on
Or check out the information on our website 
Common Soil (Cotswolds) Limited
Community Benefit Society registration no: 8774

Field address: Swifts View, Woodside, Stroud, GL5 1PW
Office telephone number: 07968 950304
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