Little Learners Austin Tracy, Eastern, Hiseville, Park City, Temple Hill Enrollment Form 23-24
Coordinator: Nicole Shores
Contact Information: 270-315-9280

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Email *
Date of Enrollment *
Desired Location: *
Age of Child at Enrollment *
Child's First, Middle and Last Name *
Child's Nickname
Child's Address *
Date of Birth *
Current Age *
Was your child born prematurely? *
Number of Weeks Premature? *
Child's Identifying Information (optional information, for emergency use only)
Gender *
Eye Color
Hair Color
Parental Information:
Mother's/Guardian's Name *
Mother's/Guardian's Phone Number *
Mother's/Guardian's Email (weekly updates and information will be sent to this way) *
Father's/Guardian Name *
Father's/Guardian's Phone Number *
Father's/Guardian's Email (weekly updates and information will be sent to this way) *
Parent's Martial Status *
Are there any Court Orders, Decrees or Agreements in regard to child's custody or physical possession? *
Desired Start Date *
Hours Needed  (6:30-6:00pm) Please list a drop off and pick up time. *
PICK UP INFORMATION:                                                                                      Please list all individuals,  relationship and phone numbers that are authorized to pickup the student. INCLUDE PARENTS/GUARDIAN INFORMATION *
Captionless Image
Emergency Contact Name and Phone Number (Please list in order to be called 1, 2, 3 etc...)  INCLUDE PARENT/GUARDIAN INFORMATION *
Are immunizations up to date? (You are required to submit a copy to the center before your child can attend. ) *
Current/Preferred Doctor NAME *
Current/Preferred Doctor ADDRESS *
Current/Preferred Doctor PHONE NUMBER *
Current/Preferred Dentist NAME *
Current/Preferred Dentist ADDRESS *
Current/Preferred Dentist PHONE NUMBER *
Current/Preferred Hospital NAME *
Current/Preferred Hospital ADDRESS *
Current/Preferred Hospital PHONE NUMBER *
Does your child receive professional services? If yes, please pick correct one, *
Emergency Medical Authorization:  A parent/guardian must provide Barren Beyond the Bell consent for emergency medical treatment to be initiated for their child in the event of an emergency.  A parent/guardian may also refuse to grant consent.  If you would like to deny consent, please contact Sonya Davis ( *
In the event reasonable attempts to contact me or a second parent/guardian at the members listed in my emergency contact information have been unsuccessful, I hereby give my consent for: The administration of any treatment by a physician or dentist have listed on the next page, or in the event the designated preferred physician is not available, by another licensed physician or dentist. *
Please list any medical conditions, allergies, or medicine that our facility needs to know about the student. *
As a precaution, if your child has a food allergy, we will note food allergies in the lunchroom and on the child's cubby.   *
I give permission for my child's image, voice, or written comments to be included in evaluations, pictures, newsletters and marketing pieces associated with the program. Barren Beyond the Bell may use these indefinitely, without limitation of obligation for the purpose or promoting or interpreting Barren Beyond the Bell programs. *
I give permission for my child to walk across the parking lot and across the street to play in the fenced grassy area/playground at school *
We may show PG rated movies in our program.  Do you consent for your child to watch? *
I give my permission for my child to use all of the equipment and participate in all activities of the childcare programs. *
I understand that Barren Beyond the Bell assumes no responsibility for injuries or illnesses which may occur as a result of my child's physical condition or resulting from his/her participation in any athletic event, sports programs, and the use of any equipment, exercise or other activities. *
I acknowledge on behalf of myself and my dependents that I assume the risk for any injuries or illnesses which may result from activities.  I hereby release and discharge the Barren Beyond the Bell, it's agents, servants, and employees from any and all claims for injury, illness, loss or damage, which my child may suffer as a result of his/her participation in the childcare programs. *
I understand that Barren Beyond the Bell is not responsible for personal property lost or stolen while participating in the program.  My child is responsible for all of his/her belongings.  I understand that due to COVID there will be NO lost and found. *
I understand that the Barren Beyond the Bell is not responsible for anything that occurs as a result of false information given by a parent or guardian. *
By signing electronically below, you agree to acknowledge and adhere to all of the policies and procedures associated with these programs.  These policies and procedures are outlined in detail in the 2022/2023 Barren Beyond the Bell Parent Handbook. We agree to follow and the policies outlined in Parent Handbook. We understand that the school reserves the right to amend policies and procedures when necessary, and that we will abide by changes. Any changes made to the Handbook will be distributed by the program. The Parent Handbook is not an enrollment contract. *
By signing electronically below, you agree to acknowledge and adhere to all of the policies and procedures associated with these programs.  These policies and procedures are outlined in detail in the 2022/2023 Family Handbook. *
By clicking on the "I accept" button you understand if your child is on CCAP (Child Care Assistance Program) there will be a $25.00 weekly overage charge.  If you are not receiving CCAP then you will have a weekly $150.00 weekly fee.
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I understand that there is a late fee of $1.00 per minute/ per child for any child left after the end time of the program.  This payment will be made upon arrival, in cash and given to the staff person who remains after scheduled work hours to be with my child. *
I understand that payments are billed weekly through Tuition Express and that I must give BBB my banking account information.  Any payments returned will be subject to a $50 return fee. If accounts should become delinquent beyond 2 weeks, parents will be required to pay the balance in full, or request a payment plan, the child may be at risk for temporary termination until a payment is made.
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I understand that the Barren Beyond the Bell program will follow the local school schedule.  If the children are scheduled to be off from school for the day our child care programs will NOT be available. *
I understand that under no circumstances will be child bring their own toys or other personal items, which include but are not limited to: personal electronic devices, cell phones, card games, etc. If my child does so, the staff will hold the item and return it to the parent/guardian at the end of the day. *
I understand that my child(ren) must be signed in and out of the program daily.  This is a program requirement and must be done every day.  If someone else picks up my child they will need to complete the sign in/out sheet and also provide staff with identification. *
I understand that if my child will be absent from the program I need to call or email the Barren Beyond the Bell staff prior to the start of the program. *
I understand that if my child is absent from the program, I will be billed for their spot even though they did not attend. Please let the coordinator know for emergency situations or unless quarantined due to Covid-19.   *
Are you interested in the Child Care Assistance Program? If you meet any of the following conditions you may be eligible for the CCAP program.  - Work an average of 20 hours per week for a single parent and 40 hours combined for a couple.  - A teen parent attending high school or pursuing a GED.  - Currently participating in the SNAP Employment & Training Program.  - Adult who is a full time student enrolled in a certified trade school or an accredited college or university.  - Participate in Kentucky Works activities.    - Need Child Care as a support for child protective/preventative services.   Please go to the following website to apply:  *
By clicking on the "I accept" button. you are agreeing to your electronic signature.  please click the appropriate box. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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