Quinn's Haunted Victorian Portrait Sign Up
thank you for considering me as an artist for your portrait! this form should have all the information you need, but if you have questions you can email me at quinnhpm@gmail.com

signing up

by filling this form, emailing me or messaging me, you'll be signed up! I fill slots on a first come first serve basis. if the slots are currently full, you'll be put on the wait list and contacted when I'm available to do your portrait. when you get a slot, I will email you and you will be able to secure your order with a down-payment of half the price. (if you are unable to complete the down-payment within a timely manner, I may place you on the waiting list.)

the portrait
$300, plus shipping
(the material costs are around 30-50, included.)

the portraits are acrylic on 6x8" oval wood panel. you will get a digital file of the portrait and the original mailed to you. the shipping price is added to the order, usually $10 in the US. I mail it after payment is complete.
  • I can and will paint any animal!
  • you can make special requests such as a larger portrait, or two figures in one, but I may not be able to accommodate every request. we'll talk about it! special requests cost more.
  • no, the clothes and painting style are not strictly Victorian but they are basically inspired by 19th century.

quinn milton
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