SOAR NASD Natchez, MS Parent Program Evaluation
The mission of the SOAR program in Natchez is to provide a differentiated learning environment that develops each student's potential and enhances intellectual ability, creativity, and decision making. In SOAR, children are given an opportunity to build their skill in thinking, research, creativity, communication, group dynamics, technology, and self-directed learning. SOAR is an acronym for seminars, options, alternatives, and research.

We are aware, however, that evaluation is an important part of program improvement. In order to make improvements in our program, we are asking parents, students, and other stakeholders to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of SOAR. Thank you in advance for taking your valuable time to complete this survey.
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My child is being challenged in SOAR *
My child has been exposed to a wide range of experiences and areas of study. *
My child is learning the benefit of organization an how responsibility plays an important role in organization. *
The SOAR Program is meeting my child's individual needs by fostering strengths and strengthening weaknesses. *
The SOAR Program provides experiences which foster the development of critical and creative thinking skills. *
As a parent, I feel welcome to visit in SOAR and accompany the group on field experiences. *
Notices and permission slips are clear and state the purposes and details related to the activities, needed materials and cost. *
My child is able to transfer skills developed in SOAR to other situations. *
I understand what is required of my child in SOAR. *
My child is gaining leadership skills and self-confidence through participation in SOAR. *
My child is given an opportunity to select independent learning activities in his/her areas of interest. *
I feel the supply list for SOAR is realistic and reasonable. *
I feel that I have a clear understanding of my child's performance in the SOAR Program. *
I feel comfortable discussing the program and my child's progress with the SOAR teacher. *
My child enjoys participating in the SOAR Program. *
Being in the gifted program has helped my child to feel better about him/herself and his/her potential. *
In general, the entire SOAR Program is an asset to my child's education. *
Do you have any specific concerns, comments, or suggestions for improvement of the SOAR Program? *
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