Residential Benefits - TEP Survey  
Thank you for answering our survey.  
We want to hear your feedback, advice and opinions on our proposed ecological projects along the Tyne Estuary. The Tyne Estuary has unnatural hard, steep, or vertical banks, which reduce habitat and biodiversity preventing native plants and animals from inhabiting the estuary. The Tyne Estuary Partnership (TEP) aims to deliver developments to the local area that will protect and restore the marine environment. A brief overview of these projects can be viewed with the attachment sent alongside this survey.
It is anticipated that these interventions will improve the surroundings you live in and we hope aid in your mental and physical health. We want to understand how the Tyne is useful to you as well as how we can work together to assist you especially during the pandemic and with the increased use of green spaces.
By answering this survey, we will also be able to identify whom we have consulted with and where they are based. This will be used to demonstrate the local needs in several grant applications to fund these improvements.
We value your answers and strive to use these so we can understand how our projects will advantageous to your community.
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What is your name (optional) ?
What is your postcode? *
What would encourage you to visit The Tyne? *
Do you think TEP projects will improve the appearance and appeal of your surroundings? *
Not really
A lot
Do you think our projects will benefit the wildlife in your area ? *
Is this important to you ? *
Not at all
Very much so
Do you think TEP projects will aid the value of your property/the area where you are resident ? *
Do you have any connections/represent any community groups? If so, who? *
How could we involve you in the projects? *
With the present pandemic, have our green spaces and the Tyne been more valuable/useful to you then before ? *
Not at all
A lot more
How have you used your local green spaces and the Tyne during the pandemic ? *
Has your mental/physical wellbeing improved with access to green spaces and the Tyne? *
How much do you understand the term 'climate change’? *
Not at all
Very well
Would you like/benefit from educational events about climate change and your surroundings ? *
Is climate change important to you ? *
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