ACHIEVE ACTEM Nomination Form 
Nominate your colleague! Nominate your teacher/prof! Nominate your inspiration!
The ACHIEVE ACTEM Award is a dual award from ACTEM and ISTE. The award winner is a professional who effectively applies available technology now.  They move forward utilizing current best practices and cutting edge approaches. They see students as real people by activating student voice and choice in education. They teach through relationships, inspiring, encouraging and nurturing. These professionals also recognize that further change is necessary, but understand that it is a process for all stakeholders. They realize that teacher and student empowerment is the key element to technology integration. ACHIEVE Educators expect success and motivate through awareness and access to information.

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Your Name:
Your phone #:
Who are you nominating?
What is their email?
Where do they work? (include mailing address)
 If you know, what is the formal job title  of your nominee (& informal role, if applicable.) 
 If you know, who is their supervisor & what is their email?
Why are you nominating this person for the ACTEM ACHIEVE award? Please be specific.
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