In Georgia? Want to help voters triple their votes in areas where it's toughest to vote?
Blue Revolution and are teaming up to increase turnout in majority minority communities as well as in precincts with a history of voter suppression. Can you help by taking a 3-hour shift at the polls on Election Day? We tried everything to keep people from having to vote at the polls this year, but despite our best efforts, a lot of folks will have to vote in person. Black, Brown, Indigenous, and immigrant-majority precincts are disproportionately affected by the 2020 trifecta of barriers to voting: the pandemic, the debacle with the Postal Service, and new and old voter suppression tactics. We're fighting back on Election Day by unleashing the power of voters by asking them triple their vote - by texting three friends to come vote with them!

Here's how it works:
1. Sign up below for one (or more!) three-hour shift in a targeted city/metro area.
2. We'll follow up with training dates and times, and you'll attend a one-hour training online.
3. Shortly before Election Day, you'll receive your designated polling place assignment. In some areas we won't know until very close Election Day where the polls will be open - so, we need to be scrappy!
4. On E-Day, you'll show up in personal protective gear and start asking folks exiting the polls to text three of their friends/family to come vote right then.
5. You'll stay outdoors near the exits of the polls, 6 feet away from everyone, and you won't talk to anyone who isn't wearing a mask: "No Mask, No Ask."
6. This isn't a partisan ask of voters: it's about making sure voters get to vote even in areas where it's been made toughest to vote!

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First Name *
Last Name *
Cell phone (used only to confirm your shift/s) *
How many 3-hour shifts can you commit to on Election Day? (Check only the ones you will attend.) *
Are you interested in working any early voting days ahead of November 3rd (locations and times TBD)?
Georgia *
Would you like to be a Volunteer Regional Supervisor on Election Day? Supervisors oversee volunteers at multiple assigned polling locations. You'll attend an extra training and you will work all day on November 3rd ensuring your polling places are running smoothly.
By clicking "Submit" below, I affirm that I have read and agree to the Volunteer Liability Agreement, available here:
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