General Knowledge- Paper-II
This paper contains 25 questions. All questions are compulsory. Each question carry 2 marks. Max. time to complete this paper is 30 minutes.
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1. Which is the highest financial body for small scale industry? *
2 points
2. What is the new name of the old region ‘Stem’? *
2 points
3. Great poet Amir Khusarau’s birth place was – *
2 points
4. Bauxite is an ore of one of the following – *
2 points
5. Wgho organized the fourth Buddhist council? *
2 points
6. Who was the last ruler of Lodi Dynasty? *
2 points
7. The Capital of Andaman and Nicobar islands is – *
2 points
8. Who among the following decides if a particular Bill is a Money Bill or not? *
2 points
9. ‘Bar’ is the unit of – *
2 points
10. Right to Vote is a – *
2 points
11. Koneru Humpy is associated with – *
2 points
12. Which of the following hills connect eastern and western Ghats? *
2 points
13. Which country is known as the ‘Council of Europe’? *
2 points
14. In Uttar Pradesh Charkula folk dance is related with – *
2 points
15. Which among the following is a central university in Uttar Pradesh? *
2 points
16. Lucknow Congress session 1916 was presided over by – *
2 points
17. Rihand Project is located at – *
2 points
18. Where was ‘Tanchoi’ brocade developed? *
2 points
19. Who wrote ‘Sarfaroshi Ki Tamanna Ab Hamare Dil Mein Hai’? *
2 points
20. The Chemical that is used in making artificial rain is – *
2 points
21. Which of the following is the hardest substance in the human body? *
2 points
22. Agricultural income tax is a source of revenue to – *
2 points
23. Largest Mica deposits are in – *
2 points
24. Lalitpur district in U.P. is known for the – *
2 points
25. Which of the following oceans has the shape of the English Alphabet ‘S’? *
2 points
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