This specially designed eligibility questionnaire quickly tells you whether you can qualify for the PFMP exam. You can check your eligibility by answering a few questions below. We also provide free consultant guidance in case of any further queries. You can drop us a mail at 
Disclaimer: This set of questions are based on the project management experts of ProThoughts. This process is by no means is a representation of PMI's official approval process. Eligibility approval with this tool does not guarantee PMI acceptance of eligibility.
Our expert team can help with any further query and guidance.
Please mail at 

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1) How many years working on Projects? *
2) Do you understand the term "Portfolio" in project management? *
3) Are you aware of Portfolio Management Certification (PfMP)? *
4) Have you worked in a Portfolio or as a Portfolio Manager? If yes, how many years? *
5) Are you involved in defining strategy for your unit, department or organization? *
6) Were you part of any Governance board or Steering committees? *
7) Were you a part of Capability and Capacity Management? *
8) Were you involved in creating and measuring "Value" for the organization? *
9) What's your total experience? *
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