Registration for Adult Spiritual Formation at Davies
Welcome! Please complete the form below to register for an Adult Spiritual Formation experience at Davies Unitarian Universalist Congregation. Your facilitators will respond with their contact information, Zoom link, and any required materials in advance of your first gathering.

If you choose to cancel your registration, please let your facilitator know as soon as possible. Planning and curriculum are based on the number of people expected to attend.

Remember! Our monthly gatherings for ADORE and Thoughts About Prayer do not require registration. ADORE (A Dialogue on Race and Ethnicity) is every Second Friday and can be accessed on Zoom HERE. Thoughts About Prayer is a monthly exploration of prayer in the UU context. Held on Fourth Wednesdays it can be accessed on Zoom HERE. All are welcome.

For all other classes, please fill out the form below. We look forward to seeing you!
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
Please list your full name. (Feel free to include your preferred pronouns if you wish.)
Please list your home congregation.
What is your email address?
Please choose from among the Adult Spiritual Formation experience(s) listed below. You'll find descriptions of the courses HERE.
Google フォームでパスワードを送信しないでください。
このコンテンツは Google が作成または承認したものではありません。 不正行為の報告 - 利用規約 - プライバシー ポリシー