Elgin Fringe Festival Volunteer Form
What is the Elgin Fringe Festival?
The Elgin Fringe Festival (EFF) is a multi-disciplinary arts festival featuring dance, theater, music, comedy and visual art at venues in downtown Elgin taking place September 1-10, 2023.  A more detailed description and a glimpse into the 2023 festival can be found on www.elginfringefestival.com.

Why should you volunteer for the EFF?
Volunteering at the Elgin Fringe Festival not only gets you involved in one of the longest-running traditions in the arts world, you are also supporting the Elgin community and all of the businesses, non-profit organizations and each of the individual artists that participate.

Here are some of the examples of volunteer opportunities at the EFF:
  • Ticket Taker: work with the venue managers to take tickets as the doors open for a show!  These shifts are 30 minutes long. There are lots of these shifts to fill!  Each shift gets you a ticket to a show of your choice.*
  • Runners: help out where you are needed in that moment!  This job includes things like picking up lunches, covering an empty slot, etc.  These shifts are 1 hour long. There are a few of these shifts to fill.  Each shift gets you a ticket to a show of your choice.*
  • Support Staff: work with the EFF staff from the start!  These positions  are for folks who want to increase their involvement with the Fringe, and are interested in working with the EFF staff throughout the year. These jobs include things like working pre-Fringe events, helping go through equipment before and after Fringe, etc. There are a handful of these slots to fill.  These volunteer shifts get you a full VIP Festival Pass!  
  • Billeter: house some of our out of town artists!  These folks just need a couch or blow up mattress to sleep on while they are in town.  These volunteer shifts get you a full VIP Festival Pass!  You can see over 25 shows during the Fringe! 

Each of our volunteers get Fringe a button and a ticket to see a show for each shift worked, or join EFF as a Support Staff or Billeter and get a VIP Festival Pass!  *All tickets are rush seating, meaning that you will be admitted to the show 2-4 minutes before it begins.

We know that this year is different, so we are taking plenty of precautions to ensure that our festival is safe for all. We do ask about your vaccination status below, but keep in mind that masks might be required for all staff and volunteers as an extra safety measure.

We are excited to have you on board. To notify EFF of your interest in volunteering,  please submit your information on the form below and look for an email from our Managing Director, Amanda Harris.  We will be in touch as we get closer to the Festival.  You will be able to sign up for your own shifts based on your availability!  If you have signed up as a Support Staff person, we will be in touch soon to get you details!  Stay tuned.  

Questions, comments, concerns?  
Email EFF Managing Director, Amanda Harris, acharris@elginfringefestival.com 

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Follow us on Twitter: @ElginFringe
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Name: *
Phone: *
Email Address *
Address: *
Please select one: *
Vaccination status *
I am interested in volunteering for the following: *
How many shifts do you think you will want to sign up for? *
Please list any previous volunteer experience.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the Fringe! Please select one of the following:
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