Flamingo Poem(A Roadside Stand)
Class 12 English Objective Question with Answer for upcoming Board Exam 2022. Based on NCERT Syllabus
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Who is the poet of A Roadside Stand? *
1 punto
Why was roadside stand built? *
1 punto
The city people proved unjust because – *
1 punto
What does I stand for in the poem? *
1 punto
What is a Roadside Stand in the poem? *
1 punto
Who is Robert Frost? *
1 punto
What does polished traffic refer to? *
1 punto
What would be the state of poor rural folk at new location ? *
1 punto
Their state in the resettlement are would be – *
1 punto
What does ‘Out of their wit’ mean in the poem? *
1 punto
The city people are greedy good doers because –Untitled Question *
1 punto
Who are the ‘pitiful kin’ in the poem? *
1 punto
Why did a stopping car react? *
1 punto
What is being sold on roadside stand? *
1 punto
Polished traffic refers to – *
1 punto
Who will soothe the rural poor? *
1 punto
What was the news? *
1 punto
Who made roadside stand and where? *
1 punto
What promise was the government making to relocate the villagers? *
1 punto
Who are the ‘pitiful kin’ in the poem? *
1 punto
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