Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in working with us. Please complete this form to help us understand a little more about your organization's needs.
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Email *
Contact Name *
Contact Phone
Organization/Institution Name
Tell us about your organization/institution (purpose, mission, what you do, etc.)
Tell us about the size of your organization/institution. Include employees at all levels. If your organization consists of multiple buildings/locations  that may not participate in the work at this time, please select the number that best reflects your specific building/location. (e.g. K-12 district, organization with multiple offices in different regions)
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What type of work are you hoping to do with The Truth & Titus Collective? (select all that apply)
How familiar is your organization (as a whole) with equity, intersectionality, inclusivity, etc.? (select all that apply)
What prompted you to reach out to us?
How soon do you plan to begin?
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How did you hear about us?
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What else would you like us to know?
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