Access in a Virtual Environment: Proactive Planning to Support Effective Communication for Learners Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Thank you for attending this virtual session! The following evaluation consists of one section, and takes approximately five minutes to complete.

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*We do our best to make accessible documents... if you need help in completing this form, please let the event coordinator know. We can provide print-out copies, a scribe, etc.*

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Please indicate how well the session met the following objectives:
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Identify planning considerations for individual and group learning opportunities/experience in the virtual learning environment.
Learn strategies for proactive planning to support expressive communication for active participation in the virtual learning experience.
Learn strategies for proactive planning to support receptive communication for active participation in the virtual learning experience.
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What ideas from the training will you implement at home, in school, in the community as part of work or family life?
What specific questions do you have about today's session content that we did not address?
What additional professional development topics would be useful to your current role?
What additional feedback about the training session would you like to share?
Are you willing to be contacted after the session to share some additional information about your experience? If so, please enter your email address below:
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