WSP Pride 2024 - Nomination Form for the WSP Pride Community Advocate Award
The WSP Pride Community Advocate Award was created in 2021 so we could acknowledge the LGBTQ+ advocacy work done by people in West St. Paul.

Nominees for the award should have close ties to West St. Paul in some fashion. They should have a demonstrated commitment to the LGBTQ+ community. Nominations will close on June 15, 2024, and the recipient will be recognized at WSP Pride on July 13.
Ak chcete uložiť svoj postup, Prihlásiť sa do Googlu. Ďalšie informácie
E‑mail *
What's the name of the person you're nominating? *
If you know them, what are the nominee's pronouns?
Why are you nominating them for this community advocate award? Please provide us with examples so we can truly understand the impact this person has made. *
What's your name? *
What's your email address? *
If there's anything else we should know, this is the spot do it!
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