ECE 382V: SysML (Computer Systems and ML Interplay) Prerequisites information
Please fill out this form indicating your prereqs for this class.
Your Name *
What ML/AI/Data Science classes have you taken at UT? If not at UT, please let me know where you have taken any of these classes. Please send me the link to the syllabus of the class(es) you took. Please indicate if it is a Grad or undergrad class. *
What computer systems/operating systems/distributed systems/networked systems/big data systems/computer architecture/related classes have you taken at UT? If not at UT, please let me know where you have taken any of these classes. Please send me the link to the syllabus of the class(es) you took. Please indicate if it is a Grad or undergrad class.
Department and program (PhD/MS) you are enrolled in at UT.
Lastly, the area of your research.
Any other related information you would like to provide.
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