The Irish Tribune Recruiting Staff Application
Welcome to The Irish Tribune, a Notre Dame media company made for fans, by fans founded in 2022. Our mission is to be a passionate, professional, and consistent news source for Notre Dame fans and athletes nationwide. We strive to employ motivated and dedicated individuals with a passion for Notre Dame athletics to help us continue to build a brand that is not only recognizable, but above all else; reliable. We have a variety of positions available within our company, and each have played a pivotal role in our budding success. Please note that we receive a high volume of applicants, and are looking for individuals who are not only skilled, but committed. The positions available will require different quotas to be met for certain jobs, whether that be in our writing department, social media department, or photography department.  Please answer all questions honestly and to the best of your ability. The more detailed your answer is, the more likely you are to be considered. Any personal information asked by The Irish Tribune (Name, Contact, Location, etc.) is kept as private information. If your application is approved, you'll be contacted by The Irish Tribune. Please answer all questions in detail to give us the most information about you and your capabilities.

If you have any questions, please contact us at or @theirishtribune on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, etc.
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Full Name *
First and last name
Email Address *
Phone Number *
ex: (123)-456-7890
Social Media username (Instagram/Twitter/Facebook) *
(Please specify which platform - You can list multiple)
Which from the questions above is the best way to contact you? *
What is your age? *
The Irish Tribune will never accept or deny applicants based on any of the following factors: Race, skin tone, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information.
What State or Region do you currently reside in? (Information used to determine if you're able to travel to to recruiting related events)  *
Job Description links: Please review the descriptions and requirements of each role before answering the following question - 

Which position(s) are you interested in? Select all that apply *
Do you have any experience in the above selected field(s)? If so, what experience do you have? *
Please be as detailed as possible
Why are you a good fit for the position(s) you chose? *
Please be as detailed as possible
What is your educational experience? *
Optional: If you have a college degree, please state what degree and what field it is in.
Work Experience : Please state any jobs you have had in the past that RELATE to your position (ex: Wrote for school paper, worked for a news company, social media manager, etc.) *
Be specific (Status, rank, etc.)
Availability: Please give an estimate to how much time you would be able to dedicate to The Irish Tribune PER WEEK *
Please specify if certain dates/time periods will be varied. We are flexible, but understand that your availability is paramount to the success of the position.
What tech devices do you currently use? (Your phone, laptop, desktop, tablet, camera, etc.) (Please specify - ex: iPhone 14 Pro Max or Sony A7iv w/ 70-200mm f/2.8 lens) *
What software do you have experience with that may relate to the job(s) you've selected? (Ex: Wix, Wordpress, Final Cut Pro, Photoshop, Microsoft Teams, Slack, etc.) *
Why should you be apart of The Irish Tribune?

Think of this as a final pitch.
Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding The Irish Tribune or this application? *
Where did you come across this application? *
This question is not apart of the application
End of application: You will be contacted if your application is approved. Please be sure to check your email/text/social media inboxes daily for a response. Our response turnaround will vary by demand. Thank you for your interest, we look forward to speaking with you further!
Please contact The Irish Tribune (Email - Text (269)-588-0514 - or DM us on social media) if you have any questions about your application (Status, questions, etc.)
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