RHC Placement Survey
Hello! Thank you so much for taking some time to fill out this placement survey! This survey is designed to help us get to know you a little bit better so that we can get you plugged into ministries that will utilize your time, abilities, and resources here at RHC.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Which location do you attend? *
Street Address *
Phone Number *
What is your occupation? (If retired, what was your career field) *
Marital Status *
Do you have children? *
Did you grow up in church? *
Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus? *
Which of these applies to you: *
Have you ever been on a mission trip? *
Have you ever served in a leadership role for a church? (Pastor, Elder, Deacon, Ministry Leader, Team Leader, etc.) *
Help us understand where you are in your walk with God: *
I don't do this
I'm below average at this
I'm average at this
I'm pretty good at this
I'm exceptionally good at this
Reading/Studying the Bible
Attending worship services
Attending Gospel Community (small group)
Giving Generously to the church
Serving INSIDE the church
Talking to non-believers about Jesus
What are some of your hobbies?
Do you have any of the following special abilities?
Which of the following ministries interest you:
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