Whāngārei First Sphere Course  
Dates: 3-5 April 2019
Course times: Friday 7pm - 9.30pm, Saturday 10am - 4pm, Sunday 10am - 3pm

The course fee includes the weekend introductory course and ongoing support, including access to teachers, access to the Ascensionline online portal, and the right to re-sit the First Sphere for free anytime, anywhere in the world.

The standard course fee is $395.

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Are you learning for the first time? *
You are welcome to pay now through internet banking: The Bright Path NZ Ltd, 02-0261-0019922-00 (BNZ).
Ref: Your Name & Course location (eg: J Smith, Whangarei)
Alternatively, you can pay with credit/debit card or PayPal – we will send you an invoice within the next few days with the payment instructions.

(If you are repeating part, or all of the course, it is free.)

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If required for invoicing
The amount you are paying
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