2024-2025 Jr. Career Leaders Academy
The Jr. Career Leaders Academy is a unique and highly beneficial experience for students in grades 3rd and 4th. They will engage with city officials, explore various local businesses & careers, connect with fellow young leaders, and learn about exciting initiatives in the Chino Valley. Additionally, they will develop valuable soft skills that will set them up for a successful future.

*Please fill out one form per student
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Student's Name: *
Parent or Guardian's Name: *
Parent or Guardian's Phone Number: *
Parent or Guardian's Email Address: *
Preferred Contact Method: *
School Attending: *
Grade *
How did you hear about our program?
Have you participated in our program before? *
What size t-shirt do you wear?
Must be available the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month (4PM - 5:30PM)

Media Rights: The Parent/Guardian assigns and grants to the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce the right and permission to use, reproduce, distribute, exhibit, and publish photographs and video recordings made by the Company, of the student at any time during their participation in the Jr. Career Leaders Academy, for the purposes of promoting or marketing in its sole discretion. The Parent/Guardian specifically waives any right to any compensation for any of the foregoing and releases the Company and its affiliates from any and all liability resulting from such use, reproduction, distribution, and publication of the foregoing.

*Parents, please type in your name below if you agree to this statement.   

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