March 19th, 2023, 11:30 AM
Anyone can play!
Must have at least 3 per team, at least 2 under 16 y/o, no more than 5 per team
If you do not have a team and want to sign up individually, we will add you to a team.
We will play 5-minute halves, running clock, half court. 
Winning team gets t-shirts!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Team name
Player 1: Name *
Player 1: Age *
Player 1: T-shirt size *
Player 2: Name
Player 2: Age
Player 2: T-shirt size
Player 3: Name
Player 3: Age
Player 3: T-shirt size 
Player 4: Name
Player 4: Age
Player 4: T-shirt size
Player 5: Name
Player 5: Age
Player 5: T-shirt size
Any questions?
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