2024 Summer Sketchbook Club
This summer club for youth 10+ is focused on observational art and sketching. Students receive a sketchbook and a pencil set which they keep with them and bring to class. They are encouraged to practice their art at home. This class is split into 2 sessions of 5 classes each (see dates below). You can sign up for one or both. Each session includes a field trip to the waterfront. Student artwork will be featured in our Summer Art Gala.

Dates:  Session #1: Fridays, June 14 - July 12 (5 classes), 4 - 5 p.m.
              Session #2: Fridays,  July 26 - August 23 (5 classes), 4 - 5 p.m.

-Invoiced in full upon official registration to reserve your spot -- Provided on a first come first serve basis  

-Location: 137 Christina St. North, Sarnia (Beside Vick's Corner Deli off Cromwell St.)

- Summer  Sketchbook Club Cost: $47.25 per class

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