2022/23 Kate Andrews Alumni Basketball Tournament
Kate Andrews High School Alumni are proud to bring back the Kate Andrews Alumni Basketball Tournament.  KA grads are encouraged to gather with fellow graduating classmates and compete in this 5 on 5 full court round robin tournament.  Teams will be organized by graduating years wherever possible.  All entrance fees and donations will go towards the Kate Andrews Basketball Program.  Based on your feedback, we are running this the weekend coming out of Christmas break.  In doing so, early registration is greatly appreciated so plans can be made prior to the holidays. 

Start Time: 4:00 pm, Friday, January 6th

End Time: 9:00 pm, Saturday, January 7th

Early Bird: $50 (registered and paid by December 10th)

Late Registration: $70 (registered and paid by December 20th)   

Place: Kate Andrews High School

How to register: Complete form on next page.

How to pay:  
Option 2:
E-transfer the entry fee to wiens16@gmail.com.  Please message me to confirm payment has been received if going this route. 

Email kendell.wiens@pallisersd.ab.ca should you have any questions about the tournament.  

3 games each (assuming at least 4 teams for both men's and women's divisions)
Full court 5 on 5
Saturday lunch provided for participants
Bring your family and friends to watch (Entry by donation: All donations going to KA Basketball)
Door prizes (Dependent on donations)
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