DJI Neo Flyaway issue analysis
If you have experienced the flyaway issue with the DJI Neo, I'd kindly ask you report all the information you remember so we can better analyze the issue and perhaps prevent other users from experiencing it.
All the questions refer to the moment the flyaway accident happened.
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How were you piloting the drone? *
What mode was the drone in? *
Where were you flying? *
Was the drone recording? *
What altitude were you flying at? *
How far away was the drone from the pilot? *
How was the satellite signal before the flyaway? *
What was the battery level before the flyaway? *
What was the Firmware version of the drone? *
Did you recover the drone? What happened next? *
When did you buy the Neo? *
What continent are you from? *
More specifically, what country? (Do not fill if you'd rather not tell)
Where did you buy the Neo? *
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