I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this Equipment Rental & Liability Release Agreement ("Agreement") between myself ("Renter") and Pine Valley Landscaping, LLC, doing business as "Pine Valley Outdoor Living" ("Pine Valley"). I understand and accept that participation in paddling and water sports activities involves inherent risks, including but not limited to injury and death. By signing this Agreement, I expressly assume all associated risks and agree to the following terms:

1. Equipment Responsibility: I understand that I assume full responsibility for all equipment listed on the Pine Valley Outdoor Living Rental Invoice, including any additional rented or lent equipment and accessories. I acknowledge that I am responsible for the care, use, and return of the equipment in the same condition as received.

2. Equipment Replacement and Charges: In the event that any rented or lent equipment is lost, stolen, damaged, or not returned to Pine Valley, I agree to pay for its replacement at full value plus a 30% surcharge. I also agree to return all equipment by the agreed-upon time and date. Failure to do so will result in additional Rental Charges and a late fee of $25. Any chargebacks or returned payments initiated by me will incur late fees and additional charges, including but not limited to chargeback fees and check return fees.

3. Assumption of Risks: I acknowledge that the use of equipment for paddling and other water activities involves inherent risks, which include but are not limited to physical exertion, adverse weather conditions, capsizing, immersion in water, hypothermia, accidents, equipment malfunction, drowning, and loss or damage to personal property. I understand and expressly assume all risks associated with the use of this equipment.

4. Manufacturer's Requirements and Safety: I agree to use the equipment only within the specified and agreed-upon areas discussed with Pine Valley Outdoor Living. I also agree to follow all equipment manufacturer's warning labels, requirements, and operating manuals. I further acknowledge my responsibility to thoroughly read and understand all manufacturer requirements and safety manuals. In case safety labels become faded or illegible, I agree to research the warning labels online from the manufacturer's official website.

5. Personal Safety Measures: I will wear an approved personal flotation device at all times while using the equipment. I confirm that I am physically fit to operate the equipment and that I understand its proper use and function.

6. Release of Liability: I hereby release Pine Valley Outdoor Living, its employees, owners, volunteers, affiliates, agents, officers, directors, and the manufacturers and distributors of the equipment from all liability for injury, death, and property loss or damage arising from my participation in water activities or the use of the equipment. This release includes liability resulting from negligence or any other cause.

7. Indemnification: I agree to defend and indemnify Pine Valley Outdoor Living and its associated parties against any loss or damage, including claims or lawsuits for personal injury, death, and property loss or damage related to the use of the equipment.

8. Group Rentals: If this Agreement covers a group rental, I represent and warrant that I have obtained the consent of all users of the equipment to assume all risks and release Pine Valley Outdoor Living from any liability as described above.

9. Agreement Understanding: I have read and fully understand the terms and conditions of this Equipment Rental & Liability Release Agreement.

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