2024 MID NORTH COAST MARINERS COACH APPLICATION Our region now consists of Port Macquarie and Coffs Harbour as Mid North Coast.
PLEASE READ: Nominations for the role of coach for 2024 Australian Championships (1st-3rd November in Coffs Harbour) NOW OPEN -  Applications close COB Wednesday 15th May.
There will be two trials (1 Sunday morning in both Port Macquarie & Coffs Harbour, dates TBA upon Council approval but most likely in June) with the expectation of you to attend both trials. To apply, coaches are required to have the Level 1 & Level 2 coaching certificates, so please provide your accreditation number in the question below.  WWCC number required for those applying for our younger U20s divisions or opens teams with any U18 players. Independent selectors will be appointed where possible, however coaches will be required to run warm up/drills.  Players will need to attend a minimum of one trial to be considered OR if unable to attend MUST email Mncmariners@hotmail.com by cut off which will be prior to the 1st trial for committee's consideration.  No inability to attend will be accepted via the coach or others. Player nominations will open only in divisions where a coach is in place and we require a minimum 14 trial in each.
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Coach accreditation number - All coaches are now required to complete Australian Oztag's Level 1 & Level 2 Coaching courses to coach a representative Oztag team. visit https://oztag.com.au/ao/courses/ to complete online and obtain a coach accreditation number & submit it HERE.
First Name *
Last Name
Address *
Mobile Number *
Division *
If the Division chosen above fails to have enough players to form a team, would you consider coaching another Division? *
Relevant Qualifications *
Please list any coaching experience you have had
Do you have a current first aid certificate? *
If you are nominating for younger divisions, do you have a current Working With Children check?
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As a coach, I abide by the AOSA Coaches & Officials Code of Conduct as listed on the AOSA website. https://oztag.com.au/resources/policies-documents/ *
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