10eleven Internship Application
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Email *
I am interested in applying for an internship in:
First Name *
Last Name *
Email address *
Address *
Cell Phone *
Date of Birth *
Name of Current University / College / School *
Current year *
Please list current Major/Minor(s):
Do you have any fashion, wholesale, showroom or other relevant experience? If yes, please explain.
Are you eligible to receive academic credit for a fashion internship? *
Will you be available for a minimum of 8 hours per week? *
Earliest Potential Start Date
Length of that semester/quarter (you can list in weeks):
How many total hours does your program require?
Preferred work days:
Are you proficient in any of the below? (check for yes) *
Are you familiar with any of our lines?
Why do you want to intern at 10eleven? *
Please feel free to share a link here to your resume, instagram, linkedin, or other page!
Please list any additional questions or comments here.
Thank you for your application! We look forward to reviewing and will get back to you as soon as possible.
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