Pitch to The Oxford Scientist

If you have an idea for an article, please use this form to pitch it to us. We accept pieces across all scientific disciplines, and are particularly interested in topics out of the range of what we've published on in the past.

We particularly encourage people of colour, LGBTQ+ individuals, people with disabilities, members of ethnic minorities, and people from working-class backgrounds to contribute and pitch article ideas to us.

Pieces usually fall under one of our three main sections, though these overlap:
  • News - these are shorter articles covering a recent development in science, whether the publication of paper, an event or conference, or a scientist's perspective on a recent event in the wider world. Usually 350-650 words.
  • Features - longer, tightly researched and more in-depth explorations of an area of science, a particular theme, or the work of a particular scientist. Usually 1000-2000 words.
  • Opinion - a persuasive piece aiming to convince our readers of the writer's view of an issue in science, whether research itself, scientific culture, policy or studying in STEM fields. Usually 800-1200 words.
  • Culture - our newest section will host a new range of articles allowing you to explore the science in books, films, TV, theatre, events and even music. May also include biographies of famous scientists, important discoveries or any thoughts on a topic that doesn’t feel at home in the other sections of the magazine.
Please indicate which section you think your piece would best be suited to, to ensure it is passed on to the relevant editor.

If you have any questions in using this form or submitting pitches to us, please contact the current Web Editor (paris.jaggers@biology.ox.ac.uk).

** Please note we only accept pitches from current University of Oxford students. If you are a school student and wishing to write for us, do consider our Schools Competition - https://oxsci.org/schools-competition/
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Are you pitching an article to write yourself, or to suggest a commission for others to take up?
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Please give a brief description of your article. Include a bit of background about the topic, and an overview of your intended structure. (If you're pitching as an open commission, just give an overview of the topic.)
Thanks for pitching to us! We'll be in contact about your piece soon.
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