Pear Society Application
This application is for those interested in joining the Pear Society. Once you submit this application and the secretary has seen it, you will become an aspirant and be added to the appropriate Discord channels.

Why are you collecting this information and who sees it?

The Pear Society is an online community where we share some of the more vulnerable and private parts of our spiritual lives with each other. We collect identifying information from all incoming participants for the safety of the group. God forbid anything should go wrong, we have a way of reaching out in the offline world. The current Secretary of the Pear Society is the only member who has access to your application.

Information that will be publicly available include your preferred name (for the prayer list) and the month and day of your birth (for the calendar).
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Email *
Legal First and Last Name *
Name (if you prefer a different name, this is public)
Mailing Address *
Your Date of Birth (month and day are public) *
Where do you go to church/participate in worship? *
Which Christian denomination or movement do you presently most identify with? *
Are you baptized? *
Please give us the email address of one clergy person or spiritual director who is guiding you in making the decision to join or not. (If you aren't sure, leave this blank for now.)
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