Team Tennis Pre-Season Ranking Information Form
The information you submit will be used by the Ranking Committee to determine the Pre-Season Rankings.  It is necessary for you to fill out this form if you want to have a chance to get a Pre-Season Ranking.
Coach's name (First and Last) *
TTCA Member # *
Coach's email *
Coach's cell phone *
School *
Classification *
Region *
List your final ranking from last year.  If you didn't have a final ranking, list any rankings you had during the season.
Number of returning starters - Boys? *
Number of returning starters - Girls? *
UTR Boys Power 6   (Put N/A if you don't know)
UTR Girls Power 6 (Put N/A if you don't know)
List any key incoming newcomers and their credentials.
List any other information you feel the ranking committee should know about your team to help with the Pre-season Ranking?
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