Conflict Management
For my MBA thesis, I’m trying to find the preferred conflict handling methods and some national differences, if any. I appreciate if you can spend only 5-10 minutes of your time to answer the questions, which are based on “The Dutch Test for Conflict Handling”.
Thanks for your time.
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Please read each of the statements below and mark the response that you believe best reflects your position regarding each statement.
When I have conflict at work ...
I give in to the wishes of the other party. *
Not at all
I try to realize a middle-of-the-road solution. *
Not at all
I push my own point of view. *
Not at all
I examine issues until I find a solution that really satisfies me and the other party. *
Not at all
I avoid a confrontation about our differences. *
Not at all
I ask for the intervention of a higher authority. *
Not at all
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