Nottingham Touch Leagues Autumn 2022 - PLAYER REGISTRATION OF INTEREST FORM
If you are interested in playing mixed touch during the autumn of 2022 and DO NOT yet have a team for that league please complete this form and we will try and allocate you a team. All leagues will take place on the 3G at Gresham Playing Fields in West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7YF. All fixtures and results will be posted on

The league details are as follows:

Monday nights, tasters 5th and 12th September, league starts 19th September, finishes 21st November 2022.Two mixed leagues are expected to run. Team entry £360, individual entry £35.

If you would like to enter a team, please email for a registration form.

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Email *
Participant First Name *
Participant Surname *
Participant Date of Birth *
Parent/Guardian name if under 18
Mobile Phone Number (parent/guardian if u18) *
I am interested in taking part in the following leagues *
Data Protection Statement
We will store and use your data in compliance with the principles of GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 and Perfect Motion Data Protection Policy. Perfect Motion will have access to this data in full. Your name, email address, date of birth and phone numbers will not be shared with anyone else.

Declaration *
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