Bingus Sticker Order Form
Prices: $2 for 1 sticker
$5 for 3 stickers
$0.50 flat rate for shipping (International only)

Your information will be deleted once I've sent your order. 🌟🌟
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
Name (full) *
Street Address *
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
Country *
Email/Phone number *
Please enter one that you actually check! If I have any issues with your address/payment and can't reach you, your order will automatically be cancelled and/or refunded!
How many stickers did you order? Refer to pricing at the top of the form *
Please send your payment to @casun (Venmo), $capreesunny (Cashapp) or (Paypal). Prices are in the form description above! *
Please format the note like this: # sticker, name (same as the name used on this form) EXAMPLE: 2 stickers, Bingus Smith. I won't start preparing your order until I've verified that you've completed this portion!
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