One Heart Camp
Hello everyone,

We are very excited to announce that REGISTRATION IS OPEN for One Heart Camp SUMMER 2022!! It’s been a long awaited moment for many high schoolers to have an in person OHC experience since the pandemic.

We would like to invite all high schoolers, incoming high school freshmen to seniors who will graduate this spring, to attend OHC!

This year's camp will be in the Bay Area. We found a nice retreat site in Santa Cruz, a 10 minute walk from the beach. It will be a different and special experience being along the coast for OHC and to REUNITE as Bay Area and Los Angeles high schoolers.

WHAT IS 2022 OHC ALL ABOUT? Our theme will be based on the phrase “Our Gift to God: Life is God’s gift to you, what you do with your life is your gift to God”. We will have talks various talks and fun bonding activities:D We hope for the participants to feel empowered through GRATITUDE for God, community & family (God’s gift to us). And know God’s ORIGINAL VALUE and VISION for them.

When: June 19th 3pm to June 24th 11am
Program Fee: $475
Each additional sibling: $15 off => total fee per additional child $460


We are looking for parent volunteers to help with cooking during the leadership training which will be located at the BAFC and cooks for OHC located at Camp Santa Cruz, an hour from BAFC.

For parents who volunteer, we will give a discount for your child who is participating ---> Understand that signing up below in this form for kitchen staff doesn't guarantee you can be kitchen staff as there are limited spots available for kitchen staff volunteers. Those who register first for volunteering will have priority. You will be contacted by Gabby von Euw to confirm about kitchen staff. In the meantime wait for the final payment.

cooking for OHC (10 volunteers) --> $350 off one child => total fee $125
cooking for leadership (2 volunteers) --> $100 off one child => total fee $375
(Gabby von Euw will get back to you within 3 weeks of registering to confirm your spot to volunteer)

OPTIONS TO PAY: (we prefer cash or check, there is an additional $10 fee you will have to pay if online)
-----Pay by Check to HSA-UWC and write in note: 'One Heart Camp 2022'
(if from Bay Area give to Kazuya Morita or put it in the envelope on YM door, if from LA give to the bookkeeper in LA)
----Pay by cash (this is an option ONLY for those from/in Bay Area; give to Kazuya Morita or put in envelope on YM door)
----Online Payment --> Go to:   --> add an additional $10 to your total payment for online payment extra charges → Choose: One Heart Camp

Any questions, feel free to contact me at

Gabby von Euw, OHC Director
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