Implementing the EU Roma Strategic Framework. Roma access to healthcare and long-term care
At a time where Europe is facing multiple crises such as the ongoing pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and the spike in inflation and energy prices, many Roma find themselves facing worsening poverty and exclusion, dire living conditions, and widespread antigypsyism.

The first part of the event will serve to launch ERGO Network’s research report on “Roma access to healthcare and long-term care”, based on six national case studies carried out in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, and Spain. A dialogue with key decision-makers and stakeholders will aim to identify positive solutions to support better health inclusion for Roma and inform the delivery on the EU Roma Strategic Framework and the European Pillar of Social Rights.

The second part of the event will assess the stay of play of the newly adopted National Roma Frameworks in both the EU and Enlargement countries and their alignment with the EU Roma Strategic Framework on Equality, Inclusion, and Participation and linked Council Recommendation, as well as of the Roma involvement in the drafting process. In addition, it will discuss the follow-up steps in the implementation of the National Roma Frameworks at EU and national levels.

The conference will bring together ERGO Network members from the grassroots level, EU policy-makers from across the institutional spectrum, as well as other relevant EU and national stakeholders. It will take place in person in Brussels (Mundo-B, Rue d'Edimbourg 26). Please do not hesitate to wear a mask. The event will be recorded and live-streamed.
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With the financial support of the European Union Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) and the German Foreign Office.
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