有關加拿大建道中心: http://abscc.org
有關惠恩診所輔導: www.gracehealthcentre.ca/counselling
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
姓名(中) *
Last Name(英) *
First Name(英) *
性別Gender *
通訊地址 Address: 街道 Street *
城市 City,  省份 Province *
郵區 Postal Code *
家居電話 (Home Phone) *
手提電話 (Cell Phone) *
確認電郵地址 (confirm Email) *
醫療保險資料 Health Card Information(當惠恩診所的醫生協助教育小組或課程時,無論是黃醫生或陳醫生,法律上只可從安省醫療保健計劃收費,不可從病人收費 Dr. Wong and Dr. Chen cannot charge for their services and must be paid under OHIP by law)
如果參加者需要醫生作評估,吃藥,轉介專科醫生或其他的資源,請詢問惠恩診所的醫生If you need a medical assessment, medication or referral to specialist, please enquire with the doctors at Grace Health Centre)
詳情可參考黃醫生和陳醫生在惠恩診所網站上有關輔導的資料: www.gracehealthcentre.ca/counselling
醫療保健卡上的姓名 Exact Name on Health Card *
醫療保健卡號碼與字母 Health Card Number and Version Code *
醫療保健卡上的出生日期 Birthday (年/月/日 Year/Month/day) *
所屬教會 Church (如果不是信徒,請填寫"未信") *
事奉崗位 Ministry Position / Role
牧師 Pastor
若是建道學生請寫學員編號 ABSCC Student Number if current/former student
加拿大建道中心入學資格以及手續ABSCC Policy and Procedure
入學資格: 不分宗派,願意接受基於基督教與科學角度的課程,有志成長,改變自己而非改變他人和培育自己的情緒智能的學員
入學手續: 1. 入學免收註冊費,只需入學填寫入學申請表. 註冊有效期三年. 2. 修讀學員由註冊入學起,兩年內完成信培基礎證書(情緒管理)的4科或三年內完成信培進階證書(情緒管理)的8科(基礎證書的4科另加選任何4科),逾期者須要按年交延期費$20,否則被視為放棄資格. 3. 修讀期內完成8科和4個免費的講座,符合系列要求,便可申請畢業.
本人願意註冊為信徒培育證書課程(信培課程)之學員(註冊有效期3年) I agree to register for the ABSCC certificate program (valid for 3 years) *
Participant’s Agreement 參加者同意書
1. This is an educational program that does not replace the need for professional help and medications. Participants need to continue their current treatment during the course.  Even though the facilitators are trained and licensed mental health professionals, they are not acting as a professional counsellor in their role as course facilitator.  The course material are presented from both a Christian and scientific perspective.  If this perspective is not acceptable to you, then this course may not be appropriate for you. 這教育課程不能取代專業的幫助和藥物。參加者需要在課程期間繼續目前的治療。儘管課程導師是受過培訓並獲得牌照的精神衛生專業人士,但他們在課程中並不是擔任專業治療師的角色。課程教材是基於基督教和科學的角度。如果你不能接受這觀點,那麼本課程可能不適合你。
2. Participants need to be stable, able to commit the time required, concentrate, absorb the key concepts, complete the basic exercises and not to be at risk to themselves or others so that a safe and productive learning environment can be maintained. The facilitators will ask participants who need additional help to consult their helping professionals. Participants who are not suitable for the course will be provided with a refund less administrative charge of $20. 參加者需要能夠保持情緒穩定,付出所需的時間,集中精神,吸收重要的概念,完成基本的練習以及不要對自己或他人構成危險,以便保持安全和有效的學習環境。導師會邀請需要額外幫助的參加者諮詢幫助他們的專業人士。不適合此課程的學員將獲發還減除20元行政費後的退款。
3. Most participants will benefit from listening to the audio content several times to improve comprehension and retention. 大多數參加者會多次收聽音頻內容而得益,並提高理解和吸收。
4. Attendance of all the sessions, engaging with the audio and written course material for each session and participation in the in class discussions, sharing, self-reflection and skill building exercises are required for maximum benefit and growth. 為了得到最大收穫和成長,參加者需要出席所有的課堂,投入每課堂的音頻和書本教材,以及參與課堂中的討論,分享,自我反思和培養技巧的練習。
5. For optimal learning, participants need to set aside time each week to listen to the audio content at least once and review each lesson. The audios can be loaded on smart phones and used while driving, doing chores or exercise for most efficient use of time. 為了獲得最佳的學習效果,參加者需要每週安排時間來至少聽一次音頻內容並查看每課堂的資料。音頻可以加載到智能手機上,並在駕駛,做家務或運動時使用,以最有效的方法運用時間。
6. Participants will keep the personal sharing and discussion confidential to protect each other’s privacy. 參加者將保密個人分享和討論,保護彼此的隱私。
7. Participants who are absent for emergencies, illness and other reasons beyond their control are expected to notify the facilitator as soon as possible and to the best of their ability complete the work for the session that they have missed. 因緊急情況,疾病和其他無法控制的原因而缺席的參加者應盡快通知導師,並盡力完成缺席那一課堂的內容和作業。
8. I acknowledge that my personal growth is my own responsibility and am willing to take this responsibility by facing myself, allowing God to engage and renew my way of thinking, beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviour and experience without avoiding, blaming myself or others.  I understand that I am fully and solely responsible for the results and decisions that I make regarding my use of this course.  I release the facilitator, the program developer and all related institutions and organizations from any and all liability and accept full responsibility for my involvement in this course and the use of any related materials. 我承認個人成長是我自己的責任,我願意通過面對自己來承擔這責任,容許神介入並更新我的想法,信念,心態,價值觀,行為和經歷,而不會逃避,指責自己或他人。我明白並對自己在此課程內所作的選擇和後果承擔所有責任。我允許導師,課程設計者,以及所有相關機構和組織免去所有的責任。我對參與此課程和使用相關教材願負全部責任。
9. Participants can support each other through mutual acceptance, understanding, validation, empathy, prayer and encouragement. 參加者可以通過互相接納,了解,肯定,同理,祈禱和鼓勵來彼此支持。
10. Participants are also required to complete self-assessments before and after the course to gauge their progress and encourage self-awareness and self-reflection, the first step in personal growth. 參加者還需要在課程前後完成自我評估,以衡量他們的進步,並鼓勵自我察覺和自我反思,這是個人成長的第一步。
11. In emergency situations or times when the participant is at imminent risk of hurting him/herself or others, then he or she will need to go to the closest emergency department or call 911 for immediate assistance. 在緊急情況或參加者即將面臨傷害自己或其他人的危險情況下,參加者必須去最近的急症室或撥打911以獲得即時幫助。
12. Participants may be involved in photographs, testimonies, and the production of short audio-visual clips for promotion and helping other course participants. 參加者可能會參與宣傳或幫助其他參加者的照片,見證和簡短的音頻或視頻的製作。
I have reviewed, understand and agree to follow the above.我已經讀完,理解並同意遵守上述的條件。 *
2021年 選科 (每科學費:原價$85,晨鳥/夫婦/三人組優惠$75, 每科課本和音頻費優惠$30(原價$30+$15) 學額有限,先報先得 *
建道中心附設"資源中心"提供參考書籍,講座CD影碟,歡迎會員外借. 新證書學員同時申請資源中心會員優惠(三年費用$45). 普通會員年費每年$30以每年一月至該年底計算. 上半年加入者照付全年年費,7月加入者,年費$15,會籍延至年底. *
Fee items 費用項目 (每科學費x$85+加拿大建道資源中心會費($45/三年或$30/一年或不參加$0) Please check applicable items 請選合用項目   *
Total from above 以上項目的總數 *
交費(如: 學費)可以使用 e-transfer 方式進行 (仍可接受郵寄支票付款)建道中心銀行賬戶名名稱: ABSCC  賬戶電郵: autodeposit@abscc.org*敬請於備註欄 (remarks/ Text box)中註明學生姓名、款項用途及課程編號 (course code)。註: 由於各間銀行的網上理財服務介面 (Online Banking Interface) 不同,在設定 E-Transfer 時都可能會有所不同,敬請與您的銀行查詢使用方式。如果寄支票加拿大建道中心,請寫下銀行與支票號碼(ABSCC, 80 Acadia Ave., Suite 208, Markham, Ontario, CanadaL3R 9V1 中心電郵/Email Address: general@abscc.org 電話/Phone Number:(905) 477-8337
電子版課本(workbook: eBook pdf Format, includes 11 downloadable mp3 audios for the course)訂購(每本$30) 採用電子轉賬付款 (Book payment using Interac e-Transfer to efttorontotraining@gmail.com) 注意:學費與課本費是用不同電子賬戶。Notice: Different accounts for course fee and book payment.  Link to EQ Online Resources Order Form 提升情緒智能線上資源訂單: https://forms.gle/XBzB5gSx3G2FrEUw7
一本電子版課本/1 workbook eBook pdf Format
重建自尊3:維持自尊的界線 (中文繁體課本)
Self Esteem3:Boundaries to Maintain Self-Esteem (English workbook)
處理情緒3:行為與關係 (中文繁體課本)
Managing Emotions3: Behaviour and Relationships (English workbook)
印版課本(並送粵語音頻)workbook and 11 downloadable mp3 audios for the course 訂購每本$30。課本索取及付款,請到惠恩診所2830 Keele St., Suite 402, Downsview, Ontario, Canada, M3M 3E5電話416-633-7337   Link to EQ Online Resources Order Form 提升情緒智能線上資源訂單: https://forms.gle/XBzB5gSx3G2FrEUw7
1 hard copy 一本印版
2 hard copies 兩本印版
3 hard copies 三本印版
重建自尊3:維持自尊的界線 (中文繁體課本)
Self Esteem3:Boundaries to Maintain Self-Esteem (English workbook)
處理情緒3:行為與關係 (中文繁體課本)
Managing Emotions3: Behaviour and Relationships (English workbook)
Password for Interac e-Transfer for ebook payment電子轉賬密碼 (購買電子版課本用)
請完成課程前的評估 Please complete the pre-course questionnaires at www.gracehealthcentre.ca/counselling/courses/me-to Questions, suggestions, explanations concerning the course 有關證書課程的問題,提議,意見,解釋 (查詢電郵 eqcourses@gmail.com)
I am interested in taking ABSCC certificate courses 本人有興趣修讀建道證書課程 *
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